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Saturday, August 29, 2009

Imagine Your Hit Parade on TV Today!

First on radio prior to the advent of commercial TV in 1948, Your Hit Parade reprised the five or six top pop songs of the week using a house orhestra and a regular cast of singers. It seemlessly moved to network TV and was most popular throughout the 1950's. Until the start of the rock and roll era, it was the song that was the hit, and that song could be 'covered' by any number of artists. When rock and roll took over the pop music scene, this all changed. Now the song AND the artist were inseperable. No one wanted to hear Snookie Lansom or Giselle MacKenzie sing an Elvis Presley tune!

Can you imagine what a Your Hit Parade would be today? Frankly, neither can I so I'll settle for that nostalgic visit to TV4U.Com on its Vintage Channel to watch the classic Your Hit Parade shows.

You can also go direct to the Nostalgia TV Network at NTV Tele.Net to see this and so many other great shows from the Golden Age of Television....1948-63.

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